Apeiron of Recollection Vol 1

This a mirrored release from our primary site: tenkizora.com. Though the site is currently pretty basic, we have more planned.

Today we release Apeiron of Recollection Vol 1. This is the first of a two volume set of tankobon. As soon as I saw the art of this, I knew I wanted to read it. The story is interesting, the characters have grown on me, and I enjoyed translating it a lot.

Releasing volume 1 is bittersweet. On the one hand, it’s amazing because it’s the culmination of a lot of work: putting this site together, determining the proper pipelines for scanalating, and actually finishing and seeing the result of a lot of work and so much more that we are looking forward to discussing in the future. However, I am saddened that there are only two volumes as part of this series. It seems that this story was cut short, but translating such things is partially the reason I started doing this, so I hope you enjoy it!

Please note that we are having technical issues uploading to nyaa.si as they have disabled registration. We will attempt to petition them to allow us to post in the near future.

Nyaa has responded to our request, but unfortunately they have no timetable for when they might allow account registration or anonymous uploads. We are saddened by their response, but understand the difficulty with dealing with spam and spam registration. Please do not harass them. For now we will upload to other trackers and platforms. If you have an account and have an interest in uploading our content, please contact us at contact@tenkizora.com or leave a message.

In the mean time, please use the magnet links instead: they work just fine.

DDL: MF: <JPG><AVIF>| Mega: <JPG><AVIF>| PixelDrain: <JPG><AVIF>
P2P: Torrent: <JPG> <AVIF> | Magnet: <JPG><AVIF>
Read: Mangadex | Bato

i7 Scan is now Tenkizora

i7 Scans is dead! Long live i7 Scans!

TLDR: I’m back and this site is now a blog. Tenkizora is the release site for translations. Read on if you want the story or head on over to Tenkizora for our first release. This site will mirror Tenkizora releases. Our other website is still under construction, but hope to have all features up and running in due time. Please leave comments on releases here for now.

Continue reading

Nyaa Reborn Update

First, let me apologize for the length of this post. I am trying to cover all aspects of the advent of nyaa clones. If you don’t care about the alleged nyaa controversy or general subbing/translating drama, feel free to ignore this post. For those who do care, please read everything so you understand my position.

It has come to my attention that there seems to be some controversy between whether or not i7 Scans should support nyaa.si or not. Currently, it seems that the main point of contention is whether to use nyaa.si, who many believe to be a pirated (stolen?) version of nyaa.se, or whether to use nyaa.pantsu.cat, who are supposedly comprised of some of the original nyaa members, but based on some internet hearsay had a member who ostensibly said something that was construed as offensive (racist?). In both cases, the intentions of each group and its members is nebulous since I have yet to see actual concrete proof beyond what has been branded as racism/piracy is anything less than inference. I am not saying that people didn’t reach these inferences for good reason, simply that I don’t have the time to sort out internet drama and hearsay.

I will say that I do not want any part of this controversy or the drama that ensues. I am solely here to translate manga for those who are interested and for the benefit of improving my Japanese comprehension. I don’t condone racism or theft, so until I can confirm any intent of ill will from either site, I will not officially support nor endorse one or the other. I will leave it to the individual person to choose which tracker they wish to support:



I have deleted my original “Nyaa Reborn” post, so that no one misconstrues my inaction as support or endorsement for one over the other.

This being said, if you understand how torrent trackers work, DHT works, and you have DHT enabled, then you will understand why I say that from a purely technical (and not ethical or moral) perspective that supporting neither of these groups is not an issue. DHT will find you peers from which to download your torrent (some of these peers may have downloaded pieces from either tracker or none of them) independent from any tracker.

Chapter Tomorrow

Just letting you all know that I’m alive and fine and that I expect to release the next chapter tomorrow. Sorry for such long delays on these last few chapters.



A little slow translating and typesetting this one. I feel that part of the reason it took so long is because I have not been watching a lot of anime or reading a lot of manga lately. For some reason, I end up procrastinating on the typesetting. I hope to get another translation done during the Holiday season, so look forward to that.

I hope you enjoy the chapter. I enjoyed it a lot!

The manga aggregator/reader sites are fast with accepting my upload tonight, so they’ve been added per usual.

DDL: MF | Mega
P2P: Torrent
Read: Bato | Mangahere


Unfortunately, I will not be able to release Chapter 30 tonight. Two things have impeded my progress:

  1. Work as usual
  2. One of my 3TB Hard Drives suffered from bad sectors and a large amount of data related to my work is (currently) irrecoverable.

I have had to rededicate my efforts to recovering this data since it represents about a month worth of work, which I will otherwise have to reconstruct from scratch. Sorry. Hopefully, I will be able to release the chapter on the weekend.



This chapter Masashi and the gang decide to hold a study session to brush-up on their atrophying academics.

Sooo… this chapter took a lot of time for two reasons. First, there was a ton of typesetting because there were sound effects for everything and there was a lot text spoken outside of text boxes. Second, there were a ton of optional translation notes that I included in the back. Some of you will undoubtedly enjoy them. It felt like I was writing eclectic textbook entries. You’ll see what I mean.

Anyway, enjoy!

DDL: MF | Mega
P2P: Torrent
Read: Bato | Mangahere



Here is Chapter 28 of Chikyuu no Houkago. It was finished a little earlier than my earlier projected release schedule, so I figured I try to get it up as soon as possible. I’ll be going on a quick bike ride after this since I’ve been sitting all day. I’ll check to see if the Reader links are up when I return.

In this release, Masashi expands on his current working theory and we have some more thick-headed moments. Hope you enjoy.

DDL: MF | Mega
P2P: Torrent
Read: Bato | Mangahere